

31st Site: Keigetsu Tosa Brewery
住所: 高知県土佐郡土佐町田井418
TEL: 0887-82-0504
営業時間: 年中無休。

[ Do you know The Omachi Keigetsu? ].

The Tosa brewery is located in the north district of Tosa. This district is located in the center of Shikoku. The altitude from the sea is 250-300 meters. It is not high than you think. So this area is comparatively clement、 and the terraced paddy fields are seen here and there. However、 the amount of rain is the most in Shikoku. The size of the raindrop is far different from the other. The Terakawa district where this brewery stands is a confluence of the branch in the Yoshino River. The goods in this area had been gathered for a long time、 and the village has been built. Water is spring water from the hillback in this brewery. When you drink it、 you Sweetness remains in your mouth.

'The Tosa Brewing' that manages sake making here was built in 1877. The current president Sawada、 the age of 72、 is the fourth generation leaders of family business. In spite of his age、 he is energetic too much. That should be so、 because he has soaked himself in baseball since he was a boy. He was scouted by Gakusyuin University when he was a high school student. And he took an active part in the east capital league. After he graduated the University、 he was scouted by the local bank of Kochi for the expectation of the talent of baseball. And he has served this company for 17 years. When he was 40 years old、 he succeeded to the brewery at last. 「Sake is a life. He doesn't overwork and he values the peculiarity of nature.」 Does this policy lead to the player's promotion? While、 he said、 “My hobby is playing the mandolin by self-study. Well、 please conceal it after all.”

President Sawada's lifework is to complete the material pavilion of the poet 'Omachi keigetsu' who comes from Tosa. The name of sake originates from him. of the wandering of the [monatta] Tosa coming from. There are a lot of material that president Sawada gathered by tracing the Keigetsu’s life in ‘Keigetsu Kan’ like Azumaya. He is a specialist about Keigetsu、 so he can keep talking it forever. It is wonderful life that making sake of the hometown with thinking about the poet of the hometown in the mountain of the hometown.

「のどかな嶺北地区 蔵の遠景」
のどかな嶺北地区 蔵の遠景


From Breweries

 「いたどり(虎杖 Fallopia japonica)」とは、「スカンポ」とも呼ばれる田んぼの畦道や草むらに生えている雑草の別名である。かつて食糧難の時代には、野菜として生食していたようだ。四国内の他の3県では食用の習慣はないようだが、ここ高知県だけでは山菜としてこれを調理して普通に食卓で食べる。どこにでも生えているので、実物(写真)をみると、「ああ、あれかぁ」と頷くものの、どっからどう見てもやっぱり雑草で、いきなり食べろと言われてもどうも食べる気にはなれない。
 春の新芽を皮をむき水に晒して塩漬けにし、それをもどしてごま油等で炒めて食べたりする。『土佐酒造』近くの『みちの駅 さめうら』では、常時、塩漬けを袋詰めして売っている(500円前後)。買って帰って炒めて食べるとなかなかいける味である。でも実物(写真)を思い浮かべるとものすご〜く不味く感じるので、なるべく「他のもんだ!」と思って食べること(笑)。


 誰かに、これはフランス料理で使われる野菜だと聞いたことがある(ホンマかいな?)。土佐人はひょっとして一流のグルメだったのかも? でも、やっぱり雑草だよぉ、高知県以外では。
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「昔は生で食べていたこともあったらしい」 クリックすると拡大します
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いたどり 2007.12.24
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