

88th Site: Kagawa Sake Brewing Association
住所: 4-2 Furujin-machi、 Takamatsu-shi、 Kagawa-ken
TEL: 087-821-3669
営業時間: Reception: Monday – Friday、 9a.m. – 4:30p.m. Closed: Saturday、 Sunday、 Holidays、12/29 – 1/3 *Sake samples are not available

“Final Service”

The Kagawa Sake Brewing Association also acts as the Shikoku Branch Office of the Japan Brewing Association’s Central Assembly. To put it simply、 they are the organization that regulates all of the sake breweries in Shikoku. However、 the day to day details of business usually are born by the associations in each prefecture.

Just like the Sake brewing associations in other prefectures、 the role of Kagawa’s is to give support to the sake makers of the prefecture through rain or shine. Kagawa、 with only seven sake breweries remaining、 has as its goal the explosive growth of the prefecture’s original strand of rice for sake brewing、 “Sanuki Yoimai、” and with it、 the increased consumption of locally brewed sake.

The association’s executive director、 Mr. Yamanishi (63)、 is from Kochi Prefecture. He formerly worked at the Tax Office、 and after retiring as the Superintendent of the Matsuyama Tax Office、 he transferred to his current position two years ago. He is a true veteran、 whose connection to the sake industry through the Tax Office brings him here. He does his job day and night、 with the desire to repay the kindness of the industry up until the very end.

Ms. Miyai、 who used to be a housewife、 was persuaded to come work in the administrative office by Executive Director Yamanishi、 and now is in her first year at the company. She says that since she was originally a huge fan of sake、 not only is the work easy、 but the opportunities for drinking sake as part of her professional duties have greatly increased. She says that she is enjoying a fun life filled with delicious sake! As she taps away competently at the computer、 she is really helping the executive director out、 just as expected.

Both of these two folks enjoy onsen (hot springs) tours. However、 while Ms. Miyai enjoys setting out on these trips with her husband、 Executive Director Yamanishi is usually left behind by his wife to look after the house. “Why do I have to have it so rough?” he asked me.

「The front entrance」
The front entrance

「Compared to the other prefectures、 Kagawa doesn’t have many breweries」
Compared to the other prefectures、 Kagawa doesn’t have many breweries

「Executive Director Yamanishi and Ms. Miyai」
Executive Director Yamanishi and Ms. Miyai
From Breweries


と、一般の社員食堂と比べてそんなに安いという訳では無いのですが、大きく違うのは、配膳だけでなく代金の支払いまでお客さんのセルフサービスであるということ。自分でお金払って自分で釣銭を取っていく。果たして最後にきちんと計算あっているのかしら。本来ならばレジでジャーナルを残して最後に違算をチェックしないといけない・・・と確か税務署さんの調査のときに指導されたと覚えておるのですが。(笑) そうか!税務署員の方が利用されているから、まず不正や間違いは有り得ないということですねぇ。う〜む、さすがというか・・・。
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